Online Meeting MENA Tabadol

Event tie

Sharing Economy Platform, MENA Tabadol


The meeting was with the objective to test the platform and get the network members' technical feedback. It also was an opportunity to explain the functionalities of the platform.

Activity civic goals

Not Applicable

Narrative summary

Online Meeting MENA Tabadol: The I4C MENA Hub organized an online meeting on February 11, 2021, with a selected group of early testers/adopters to present the platform and explain how it works while emphasizing the potential of the platform as the first of its kind in the region in providing NGOs, Activists, and Talents with an online open-source marketplace based on the Sharing Economy concept and the use of a community currency as the main unit and currency of exchange. 20 members from different countries of the MENA region attended the meeting (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen). The Sharing Economy platform MENATabadol is an online open-source platform that enables NGOs, Activists, Journalists, Startups, and Young Talents in the region to create value through the sharing and exchanging of services and digital products using the I4C MENA digital coin.