Organizing the judges committee meeting to shortlist the five (5) finalists of Integrity Icon Morocco.

Event tie

Integrity Icon Morocco


- Engage citizens, media and public servants in a discussion on the importance of integrity and transparency in public administration. - Celebrate good practices in public service and highlight the importance of their institutional adoption as a means of incentivizing reform;

Activity civic goals


Narrative summary

Integrity Icon - Morocco 2020 , aims to engage Moroccan citizens to identify, celebrate and encourage Moroccan civil servants (school teachers, police officers, administrative officials, etc.) who demonstrate exemplary integrity in their work. SimSim-Participation Citoyenne believes that publicizing the good work of public servants is a way to build a positive narrative that incentivizes good behavior and reduced corruption in public service. It also aims to create positive role models and spark community discussion around the importance of integrity and transparency as key values for effective public administration reform. 173 was the total number of the received nominations for Moroccan civil servants who embody the value ​​of integrity for the citizens who nominated them. After the vetting process conducted previously, the team submitted sixteen (16) final nominations to be reviewed during the meeting.