The Impact of Restrictions, on Civic Space and its Effect on Gender Based Violence in Sudan

Sudan is currently facing a crisis within its society, which is having an impact on the epidemic of gender based violence (GBV). This situation is making it increasingly challenging for women to come together demand accountability and seek justice. The link between these issues becomes apparent through the following;

1. Limitations on freedom of expression and assembly; These restrictions prevent women from speaking out against GBV organizing awareness campaigns and mobilizing for change. Unfortunately this silence allows perpetrators to go unpunished and discourages survivors from reporting the abuse they have endured.

2. Curtailed activism and advocacy efforts; Crackdowns on civil society groups and activists are undermining the progress made in addressing GBV. This has an effect on support services research initiatives aimed at combating GBV well as advocacy for policy changes.

3. Challenges in accessing justice; The decline of the rule of law and weakened institutions make it more difficult for GBV survivors to seek justice. Without mechanisms for holding perpetrators accountable they are emboldened while survivors continue to suffer from violence without any means of recourse.

4. Protection; The narrowing civic space restricts womens access to support networks and organizations that provide protection, against GBV.

As a result individuals, in situations are more susceptible to abuse and exploitation due to the lack of support systems to them.

5. Silencing voices; Women and human rights defenders face suppression preventing discussions about gender based violence (GBV) and restricting efforts to address this issue.

6. Access to information; Media restrictions and a lack of resources make it difficult for women to learn about their rights or access the necessary support services that can help break the cycle of violence.

These challenges worsen the concerning cycle of GBV in Sudan. In summary Sudans restriction of space contributes to GBV by suppressing voices restricting access to justice and undermining social safety nets. Resolving this problem requires an approach that restores freedom of speech strengthens existing systems and empowers organizations. By implementing these measures Sudan can establish a society that does not tolerate GBV.