Identifying solutions and executing advocacy campaigns to bring about positive change and open civic spaces.
I4C MENA Hub work on bringing attention to regional concerns or problems, identifying solutions, and implementing advocacy campaigns to bring about positive change and open civic spaces in the region
through piloting policy advocacy coalitions and campaigns that were built to enhance civic space-related legislation and Influencing policy and legislation – I4C MENA Hub Efforts in collaboration with its regional partners resulted in many successes including contributing to the passing of the first-ever crowdfunding law in Tunisia in 2020 and the amendment of the Moroccan crowdfunding bill through the formulation of 10 amendments adopted by the Moroccan parliament in January 2021 which was aligned with an awareness campaign
The Hub’s advocacy on opening civic spaces bloomed further when the Mauritanian Parliament approved the Association Bill, in January 2021, in response to a successful advocacy campaign aiming at amending and improving the 1964 Mauritanian Association law, the campaign was launched by the Hub alongside a local association in Mauritania. Today, the MENA hub continues to advocate for an enabling civil society environment in the region through different innovative advocacy approaches.